Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gloves or Bust

That does it.  I'm getting gloves.

I was dabbed a little lotion on my hand and did my usual ritual of rubbing when I felt it; a large callous. It is tucked slightly lower than the base of my finger, unnoticeable to the blind eye, but seeing eyes would have no problem scouting out this hideous protrusion on my once delicate and womanly hand. It looks almost like a burn. After further investigation, it would seem that I have 4 with the potential 5th trying to rear it's ugly head. That's right, 4 callouses, possibly 5. Thankfully, I don't feel like they have reached their potential yet.  I can still squish them and they move, so I think there might be hope. I think a nice pair of purple or pink (to match my Chucks) gloves would not only set off my lifting outfits, they would help this debacle in which I find myself. Since I really don't know anything about how gloves will affect my lifting I went to other sources:

  • I asked my husband if I could get some gloves... He had some cockamamie excuse about "friction on the bar" and "grip strength." He really couldn't put together a good reason not to have gloves, just a solid "no." To be honest, it wasn't the first time I stopped listening to him before he was done talking. 
  • I had a conversation today with a fellow lady lifter who kind of scared me.  I inquired about her callouses and she presented them like a battle wound. There was pride in her face as she explained how one day she thought she busted one because her hand got caught in a grip and bled. Don't get me wrong, I admire this lady. She is a strong woman in every fashion, but hands bleeding because of weight lifting?? I didn't even know that could happen! I don't want to have callouses let alone bust them.
  • Another fellow lady lifter (who is a novice like myself), but a great friend and influence in my life thinks it's a great idea! I think I'm with her...

So, here's to you lady lifters... Where can I get a pair of gloves?

(I've included a hand diagram as proof of this new atrocity in my life.)

For more information and some possible videos of progress check us out on our webpage or on facebook.

Monday, January 7, 2013

A Ladies' Hunger

I am starving.

One of the biggest, we'll call it "discussions", my husband and I get going on is food.  He eats more food than any man I've ever met and I grew up with 4 brothers who were all active in sports and "pumping weights". Besides the fact food is expensive!  Good food that is... We eat -try to eat- organic and non processed foods because, really, something that can sit on a shelf for a few months and not go bad can't be good for you.  We go shopping every week and buy large quantities of meat and veggies; enough to feed a small family. His food intake is record setting after his work out days. I never understood how one person could eat so much food and still be hungry... until today.

I am STARVING. My belling is making hunger pains and noises that make me thankful I work in a room where no one can hear it.

Today for lunch I ate the equivalent of two hamburgers, half a package of mushrooms and a container of broccoli, carrots and celery.  30 minutes later I could have eaten it all again.

The worst part is that I'm embarrassed.  Ladies should not eat that much food!  I feel like I'm eating like a man! My metabolism is on steroids or something. It has to be. Of course, I brought this point up to my husband and he simply smiled and said... "So, you get it now?"

I'm storing that "discussion" we always have away now and won't bring it up again.


So here's to you ladies.  Eat up.

(Proof I'm actually doing this)

For more information and some possible videos of progress check us out on our webpage or on facebook.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Traingin Day 1.

I woke up this morning and coughed up the star characters of a Musinex-D commercial. I felt awful. I had absolutely no motivation to begin my first day of training.  The lady in me wanted to stay in bed and re discover the back side of my eye lids.  I had spent the previous night having my training program explained to me and it is a process. I've forgotten most of the words but the phrase that stuck out the most was "realization of fatigue". I will realize I'm tired?  I've never had that problem... I think it has to do with muscles. All that to say it sounds complicated. To summarize, I will be competing in three different events Squat, Dead lift and Bench Press. Squatting is exactly what it sounds like; spread your legs apart and lower your butt to the ground with weight on your shoulders. Dead lift starts with the weight on the ground and you lift it. Bench press is laying on your back, on a bench, and pressing weight up from your chest. Whoever named events in this sport was not very creative. I would have named them the Curtsy, the Baby Up and the Superman or something along those lines just to keep people guessing.
With mental and physical fatigue, I rose, put on my awesome new, pink high top Chucks (pictures of those bad boys to come), squeezed into my grey tights and went to the gym.  I took me about 30 minutes to warm up and as I waited for instruction, my mind returned to the bed that probably still had preserved some of my body heat... I wondered if it would still be warm enough for me to be able to snuggle back up with my Maltese and take a mid morning nap or if I would have to lay there and shiver a bit until my body re heated it. 
That was my thought process during my warm up. 
Real motivating.

This was my first attempt with a barbell on my shoulders. Surprisingly, I "move well" so placing the bar on my shoulders and holding my elbows back while my hands gripped the bar wasn't difficulty.  Then I lifted it off the rack. Pain. The bar just sits on my bones, no cushion. I lowered my bum a few times and re racked the barbell. Don't like squatting. Next. Day's lift: 55lbs.
Bench Press:
Not horrible.  I think by this time my muscles had stop protesting and were along for the ride. I pressed the bar, which isn't much weight, but you have to start somewhere right? Day's lift: 45lbs.
Dead lift:
For some reason this lift is going to be my favorite, if we are picking favorites, but it will do the most harm to my hands. Since my legs are stronger than my arms I can have heavier weights. heavier weights equals more stress on my hands with equals... Yep, callouses. I've already started them. I am going to go to Wally World tonight to try and find a pumas stone. Day's lift; 65lbs.

That's my day 1. Not exciting, but I don't feel like a man yet so, that's a plus. Hopefully, my next training day will be more inspiring or this is going to be a very long 15 weeks.

Here's to you lady lifters.  Please give me some motivation.

For more information and some possible videos of progress check us out on our webpage or on facebook.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lady Lifters

Recently, I tied the proverbial "knot" with the literal love of my life.  I now have the "ol' ball and chain" and that is literal as well. He came equipped with slam balls and 5/8" chains. You see, I married a strength coach.  Me, the self proclaimed queen of metabolism abuse. I have never watched what I ate and have been pretty lucky in the department of self preservation on the weight scale. Then I got married and realized I'm probably not the healthiest person out there... In hindsight, pop tarts and chocolate covered granola bars with a side of cake from the night before may not have been the best breakfast choice.
For the record, I don't hide this life style from my husband.  I eat what I want to in front of him and  binge on junk food out in the open.  He is great about not scolding me, but solidly reminds me that our future children (4-5 years down the road) won't be eating the crap I eat.  So for the non-existent "them" and for my personal trainer/husband, I am declaring two new years resolutions.
  1. Get healthy.
  2. Compete in a powerlifting competition (I didn't say win, but who knows...).
I am coming into these resolutions with high hopes.  I want to be able to spend more time with my husband because let's face it, being married is awesome and we have a blast together. I also am just curious.  I used to "pump weights" with  my brother in high school and I about died every time. I would walk/crawl out of the gym feeling like one of those green Jello molds they have in hospital cafeterias... every day for some reason.  I never learned how to use weights correctly and I really just want to see if I can do it.
BUT, I have concerns.
Today women have this stigma about their bodies and thanks to society we are supposed to be rail thin with huge assets. Pun intended. I fall under this category. I am a size 2 and weighing in at a 125-131 range, depending on the week. Like I said, I've been lucky.
1. My first concern is that I am going to end up look like a man from the neck down.  There are some women out there who seriously intimidate me because they look like in a single swing they could end my existence. Huge arms, legs wider than my vertical measurement, and a chest that should have boobs but instead has... boobie-pecs...becs? I like my women parts and I'm scared weight lifting will take those away from me.
2. I want to maintain my femininity.  I am a woman. I like to be girly; do my nails, "get my hair did" and look like a woman. I cry at everything; movies, stress, anger, sad dog/children commercials. I don't want to be perceived as masculine just because I start lifting weights.  I want to play the role of a woman. I am a wife, sister, daughter and future mother. I love being a woman.
3. (Please note that my the previous mentioned concern is legitimate.) I hate working out. I do. There I said it. Being all sweaty and stinky. It's just gross.  Don't even get me started on running. Luckily, the this process does not require running, but anaerobic-got that word from my husband-training. 
4. I don't want to have man hands.  My hands are dainty if you must know, and I appreciate their smoothness.  However, I get calloused hands very easily and I've always had this idea that women with calloused hands are swinging for the other team.  Unrealistic, I know, but it's a concern.
5. My husband is going to go to jail.  When I get all toned and buff some guy is going to check me out and in a fit of uncontrollable rage, my husband is going to pummel him.  Unrealistic, I know, but it's a concern. :)

So, I will blog from now until April 13th, 2013, the date of the competition, about my progress, my concerns, my struggles (amen) and my results.  No there won't be any of those before and after pics of me in my tighty whities, but I'm sure my story will be one worth following. I intend to prove to the world that I can be healthy, lift weights and still be a lady.

So here's to all you lady lifters. Please accept my request to join the ranks.

For more information and some possible videos of progress check us out on our webpage or on facebook.