Monday, January 7, 2013

A Ladies' Hunger

I am starving.

One of the biggest, we'll call it "discussions", my husband and I get going on is food.  He eats more food than any man I've ever met and I grew up with 4 brothers who were all active in sports and "pumping weights". Besides the fact food is expensive!  Good food that is... We eat -try to eat- organic and non processed foods because, really, something that can sit on a shelf for a few months and not go bad can't be good for you.  We go shopping every week and buy large quantities of meat and veggies; enough to feed a small family. His food intake is record setting after his work out days. I never understood how one person could eat so much food and still be hungry... until today.

I am STARVING. My belling is making hunger pains and noises that make me thankful I work in a room where no one can hear it.

Today for lunch I ate the equivalent of two hamburgers, half a package of mushrooms and a container of broccoli, carrots and celery.  30 minutes later I could have eaten it all again.

The worst part is that I'm embarrassed.  Ladies should not eat that much food!  I feel like I'm eating like a man! My metabolism is on steroids or something. It has to be. Of course, I brought this point up to my husband and he simply smiled and said... "So, you get it now?"

I'm storing that "discussion" we always have away now and won't bring it up again.


So here's to you ladies.  Eat up.

(Proof I'm actually doing this)

For more information and some possible videos of progress check us out on our webpage or on facebook.

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